Seam Finishes: Flat-Felled Seam

Flat-felled seams are an easy way in the sewing world to finish two sides of a garment and have it looking nice and clean! In my opinion it is a strong finish that prevents the ends from fraying but you will see it on the outside of the garment.

Here are written instructions you can use to achieve a flat-felled seam, and if you’re more of a visual person, head to my Tik Tok for the full video!

Step 1. Place both pieces of your garment with the wrong sides together

Step 2. Sew a Plain Seam. In my video I’m sewing 3/4” seam allowance.

Step 3. Fold over both edges of the seam 1/4”

Step 4. Lay the entire seam allowance flat (ironing helps along the way).

Step 5. Stitch along the edge of the fabric, about 1/16”

Voila! That’s all there is to it!


Seam Finishes: Creating a French Seam


Born a Petite Shop: Mini Haul Review